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picture1_Political Economy Pdf 126062 | 5020 Rousseau A Discourse On Political Economy

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File: Political Economy Pdf 126062 | 5020 Rousseau A Discourse On Political Economy
a discourse on political economy by jean jacques rousseau 1755 the word economy or oeconomy is derived from oikos a house and nomos law and meant originally only the wise ...

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...A discourse on political economy by jean jacques rousseau the word or oeconomy is derived from oikos house and nomos law meant originally only wise legitimate government of for common good whole family meaning term was then extended to that great state distinguish these two senses latter called general former domestic particular first discussed in present even if there were as close an analogy many authors maintain between it would not follow rules conduct proper one societies be also other they differ too much extent regulated same manner will always difference which father can see everything himself civil where chief sees hardly anything save through eyes others put both equality this respect talents strength all faculties have increase proportion size his soul powerful monarch ordinary man empire private person s estate but how could like when basis rest so different being physically stronger than children paternal authority long need protection may reasonably said established natur...

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