22 agrammarforfinnishdiscourse patterns kristiina jokinen 22 1 introduction this article deals with finnish discourse oriented word order variations and provides their implementation in the hpsg style typed feature struc ture ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Agrammarforfinnishdiscourse patterns kristiina jokinen introduction this article deals with finnish discourse oriented word order variations and provides their implementation in the hpsg style typed feature struc ture grammar using lkb toolkit copestake it does not present a full coveragefinnish grammaror even small fragmentof stan dard syntactic phenomenain rather aim has been to implement conguration pattern gram mar fdpg employing structures old new information thus supply starting point for further research com putational modelling of syntax interplay goal is motivated by need dialogue system analyse utterances generate responses semantic representation which rich enough encode ref erents different status manager distinguishes oldandnewinformation keepstrackofthediscoursetopic andalsoprovides context e g specic corrections where speaker objects what beenstated previous utterance contrasts fact use topic language generation discussed andwilcock moredetail theinterpretationofthefinni...