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picture1_Economics Pdf 125680 | Ba Pass Course 1 1

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File: Economics Pdf 125680 | Ba Pass Course 1 1
syllabus for b a pass course core and discipline specific elective dse courses in economics page 1 semester i semester ii core economics i principles of core economics ii principles ...

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...Syllabus for b a pass course core and discipline specific elective dse courses in economics page semester i ii principles of microeconomics iii iv macroeconomics v vi one the following economic development policy india money banking history environmental public finance description this intends to expose student basic microeconomic theory illustrate with applications outline introduction problem scarcity choice opportunity cost production possibility frontier systems demand supply law determinants shifts versus movements along curve market equilibrium c elasticity price calculating other elasticities consumer budget constraint concept utility diminishing marginal diamond water paradox income substitution effects indifference curves derivation from surplus costs short run long revenue profit maximizations minimizing losses industry economies diseconomies scale adjustments behaviour maximising firms process functions variable proportions technology isoquant isocost lines equlibrium condit...

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