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picture1_Circular Flow Of Income Pdf 125436 | Unit 13

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File: Circular Flow Of Income Pdf 125436 | Unit 13
unit 13 circular flow and national circular flow and income national income structure 13 0 objectives 13 1 introduction 13 2 concept of circular flow 13 2 1 difference between ...

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...Unit circular flow and national income structure objectives introduction concept of difference between money flows real enterprises households capital sectors government in an open economy as goods services factor incomes final expenditures viewed production expenditure aggregates various related concepts interrelationships among macro economic let us sum up key words some useful books hints answers to check your progress exercises after going through the you would be able explain l meaning term distinction derivation from generation relationship operates with help categories like producers consumers sector rest world these perform activities comprising consumption addition stock transactions process performing such one group agents another vice versa corresponding each there takes place a counter monetary for example if person gets kg sugar firm commodity household is taking this matched by aggregated at ends can summed gross domestic product etc knowledge along other essential unders...

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