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picture1_Gat Form

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File: Gat Form
gifted and talented gat questionnaire form child s name dob date yr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 part a please read each statement carefully and place a tick ...

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...Gifted and talented gat questionnaire form child s name dob date yr part a please read each statement carefully place tick in the column which best describes your according to following scale this will assist teachers helping make most of his her time at hillcrest normal school not evident highly my has quick recall information e g immediately remembers facts series numbers events words from songs or movies parts conversations heard earlier knows lot more about some topics than do other children that age recounts dinosaurs sports electronics maths books animals music art etc finds out particular subject on own uses advanced vocabulary surprises older adults with big used unusual for correct terms exact labels things began write early said could individual very young started before entering likes tell stories learned without being taught shows unusually intense interest enjoyment when learning new frequently persistently asks how why questions is satisfied simple answers wants know deta...

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