File: Gat Test Sample Pdf 114662 | Hec Min Quality Criteria
minimum criteria for ms m phil and ph d programs this is for the information of all concerned that the degrees awarded by the universities degree awarding institutions must meet ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Minimum criteria for ms m phil and ph d programs this is the information of all concerned that degrees awarded by universities degree awarding institutions must meet following recognition hec programme sixteen years schooling or year education credit hours after hssc f a sc grade equivalent will be required admission in gat general www nts org pk asp conducted national testing service with cumulative score at time to s test valid period two award candidates either need complete course work along research thesis there should least relevant full faculty members department launch mba programmes phd requirement into cgpa out semester system first division annual subject ets usa area specialization chosen level cleared prior program case http gatsubject marks pass b gre acceptable as follows i percentile admissions until december ii iii thereafter c if not available list then university committee consisting approved conduct par qualifying students admitted august have submit requisite withi...