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picture1_Matrix Pdf 123862 | Ssc Mts Syllabus

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Matrix Pdf 123862 | Ssc Mts Syllabus

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Ssc mts syllabus reasoning ability chapters weightage approach no of qs classification number letter gk and meaningful words based analogy meaning coding decoding questions on by shifting letters a word could also include in fictitious language matrix or with numbers are given from which correct set for is to find out formation the whether option can be formed not most time cannot asked arranging it order doing certain task following rule probably dictionary problems will arranged according sequence ascending descending venn diagram syllogism represent relation between student teacher boys directions simple that solved just distances drawing all information paper blood relations family tree general missing puzzles like then equation type quant age speed distance seating arrangement series mainly alphabet question complete bc cbad bcd cda non verbal assemble image mirror hidden counting figures figure cube ques may statements conclusions inferences assumptions assertion reason course ac...

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