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picture1_General Awareness For Ssc Chsl Pdf 124692 | Ssc Syllabus

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File: General Awareness For Ssc Chsl Pdf 124692 | Ssc Syllabus
ssc syllabus the ssc syllabus and exam pattern for the following exams are discussed below 1 ssc cgl 2 ssc cpo 3 ssc chsl 4 ssc je 5 ssc gd ...

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...Ssc syllabus the and exam pattern for following exams are discussed below cgl cpo chsl je gd tier i comprises of four sections general intelligence reasoning awareness quantitative aptitude english comprehension skills symbolic number history harappa civilization system synonyms analogy semantic vedic culture medieval india problems antonyms one word classification their important systems percentage substitution grammar s freedom movement ratio spelling error leaders proportion passages space visualization geography about countries square roots venn diagrams geographical averages drawing inferences details famous seaport interest airport location complementary knowledge current angles affairs heights distances histogram data analysis ii will have papers language statistics studies finance economics detailed is given active passive distribution calculation macro voice verbs diagrammatic representation micro conversion into moments relationships growth time direct indirect skewness kurto...

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