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picture1_Ssc General Awareness Pdf 123844 | Ssc Mts Syllabus 2019

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Ssc General Awareness Pdf 123844 | Ssc Mts Syllabus 2019

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Www gradeup co ssc mts exam pattern will consist of two papers paper i is objective type and ii descriptive to help you understand the scheme easily we have formulated in form table given below no total duration subject questions timing for general candidates intelligence reasoning numerical aptitude minutes english awareness short essay letter or any language included th schedule constitution syllabus there are asked which get be based on following topics quantitative go through section wise detailed can also check study material boost your preparation subjects analogy classification judgement similarities differences decision making visual memory discriminating observation relationship concepts missing number matrix word formation coding decoding simplification arrangement words blood relation distance direction series non verbal cutting folding mirror water image embedded figures figure completion counting statement conclusion assertion reason inference arguments miscellaneous ratio...

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