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picture1_Ssc General Awareness 123821 | Ssc Mts

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Ssc General Awareness 123821 | Ssc Mts

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...About ssc mts exam pattern the staff selection commission conducts every year for various posts written will consist of two papers i e as per scheme examination there shall be viz paper and ii entirely objective while descriptive in nature subject no questions marks total duration timing general intelligence reasoning numerical aptitude minutes english awareness each question carries set both hindi negative marking wrong answer max visually handicapped candidates cerebral palsy short essay letter or any language include th schedule constitution syllabus consists parts with sub topics would measure on similarities differences analysis judgment space visualization decision making visual memory relationship concepts discriminating observation problem solving figure classification basics sentence structure vocabulary synonyms antonyms its correct usage grammar number systems computation whole numbers time work decimals fractions between ratio fundamental arithmetical operations distance pe...

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