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picture1_Competition Pdf 122710 | Unithandout

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File: Competition Pdf 122710 | Unithandout
unit 10 economics 6th year assumptions on perfect competition unit 10 theshort run equilibrium perfect competition thelong run equilibrium economics 6th year eursc 2007 2008 assumptions on perfect competition unit ...

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...Unit economics th year assumptions on perfect competition theshort run equilibrium thelong eursc whatis markets are perfectly compeitive if there many buyers and sellers so that none has inuence price is freedom of entry exit in the long knowledge prices by agents symmetric respect to information all rms produce an homogenous identical products no branding or other marketing techniques discrimination examples themarketfor some agricultural produces wheat corn soya beans manysellers but a few certicates origin thestock exchange market asymmetries thee bayauctions part sales thefully competitive does not exist theindividual demands theimpactofindividual rm decisions total output negligible firms cannot affect increasing decreasing adistinction made between demand demandfacedbyanindividual as always negative slope elastic horizontal line thus can sell it at current for each individual firm quantity offer curve weshowedthattheindividual given marginal cost only wants keep producing mc abov...

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