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picture1_Competition Pdf 122515 | Topic10n

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File: Competition Pdf 122515 | Topic10n
monopolistic competition isis starbuckstarbuck ss ccoffeeoffee rreallyeally different from any other monopolistic competition a monoppyolistically comppetitive ppgroducer is one amongst many producers of goods or services that are differentiated the ...

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...Monopolistic competition isis starbuckstarbuck ss ccoffeeoffee rreallyeally different from any other a monoppyolistically comppetitive ppgroducer is one amongst many producers of goods or services that are differentiated the industry has structure product slightly offered by close competitors differentiation style type location horizontalhorizontal productproduct ddifferentiationifferentiation quality vertical substitutes available for elasticity demand perfect curve horizontal line perfectly elastic homogeneous firms can t price above market monopoly industryy downward sloppingg much less than under single firm with no its good only producer unique unlike there how will compare p dd monopolisticmonopolistic more d sloping q same units marginal revenue what monopppolistic margginal look like similar to monopolists lies below and quantity effects zero at midpoint function linear functions mr profit maximization competitor also faces competititition iin iinputt markketts thus cost curves...

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