curriculum vitae dr s narayana kalkura professor ugc bsr faculty fellow crystal growth centre ugc national facility centre anna university chennai india 600025 e mail kalkura yahoo com kalkura gmail ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Curriculum vitae dr s narayana kalkura professor ugc bsr faculty fellow crystal growth centre national facility anna university chennai india e mail yahoo com gmail mobile education post graduation onwards professional career ph d kerala and characterization advisor prof devanarayanan iisc m sc physics b major chemistry mathematics minor position employment director since biomaterials ion beam modification institute fur medizinische biochemie staff scientist crystallisation of proteins und molekular biologie desy in space hamburg germany structure analysis dynamic light scattering assistant crystallization biomolecules annauniversity senior lecturer biosciences sta human technology tsukuba japan deposition diseases details the students who have obtained degree name title thesis manimaran instrumentation computer controlled system medium band gaps ii iv v semiconducting infrared nonlinear optical materials organic k girija investigations on biological analyses epidemiological studies ur...