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picture1_Academic Pdf 121570 | Chemsitry 1609322424

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File: Academic Pdf 121570 | Chemsitry 1609322424
page 1 page 2 academic programs offered 1 bs chemistry 2 msc chemistry 3 mphil chemistry 4 phd chemistry bs chemistry eligibility at least 45 marks in intermediate with chemistry ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Page academic programs offered bs chemistry msc mphil phd eligibility at least marks in intermediate with or equivalent duration year program semesters degree requirements credit hours semester i iv for student pre medical combinations botany and zoology courses will be the students who have entered combination f sc chem physical botn diversity of plants zool animal invertebrates urce english grammar urci islamic studies total credits ii inorganic plant systematic anatomy development embryology chordates language comprehension presentation skills urcp pakistan iii organic cell biology genetics evolution form function writing introduction to information communication technologies special topics physiology ecology literature management can rotated subject availability teacher that specialized field engineering mathematics physics phys math applications differentials techniques integration calculus linear algebra...

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