File: Study Pdf 120620 | 7 17 17 Paramedic Study Guide
candidate study guide for the illinois paramedic licensure examination the following information is intended to help you prepare for the illinois emergency medical technician paramedic licensure examination part i of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Candidate study guide for the illinois paramedic licensure examination following information is intended to help you prepare emergency medical technician part i of this contains general about profession and testing procedures ii provides a content outline lists competencies covered in identifies reference materials that support iii includes sample questions test purpose has been developed collaboration with department public health idph representatives ems regions granted only candidates who demonstrate sufficient knowledge u s transportation national standard curriculum as approved by validity time limit hours meet strict standards fairness protect safety photo id each must present current valid be admitted an driver license secretary state card consular or passport acceptable photographic identification if name on does not match scheduled appointment proof legal change also presented before can special accomodations any needs accommodations taking because disabling condition communic...