medical terminology test study guide students entering paramedic training should review emt level anatomy physiology and medical terminology paramedic training will build on this basic knowledge the following terms and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Medical terminology test study guide students entering paramedic training should review emt level anatomy physiology and will build on this basic knowledge the following terms topics be tested prior to entry into program a passing score is correct descriptive words pertaining body parts patient positions describe or label drawings prone abduction supine adduction lateral recumbent right left anatomical position fowler s semi anterior trendelenburg distal extension miscellaneous define flexion apical pulse inferior apnea dyspnea rotation febrile medial hypertension hypotension midline shortness of breath peripheral vital signs posterior proximal superior systems skeletal system identify drawing by written description skull frontal occipital parietal temporal bones mandible maxilla orbits cervical spine thoracic lumbar sacrum coccyx femur tibia fibula patella clavicle scapula sternum xiphoid ribs humerus ulna radius ilium ischium pubis cardiovascular state location function red white blo...