File: Blended Learning Research Papers Pdf 118565 | 70212 1
this thing called blended learning a definition and planning approach author torrisi geraldine published 2011 conference title research and development in higher education reshaping higher education 34 copyright statement 2011 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...This thing called blended learning a definition and planning approach author torrisi geraldine published conference title research development in higher education reshaping copyright statement herdsa reproduced with permission to reproduce must be sought from the publisher royal australian college of general practitioners downloaded http hdl handle net link version org au griffith online https repository edu society australasia inc volume refereed papers th herdsaannualinternational july radisson resort gold coast australia steele denition plan ningapproach inkrause k buckridge m grimmer c andpurbrick illek s eds pp by pobox milperransw www issnx isbnx paper was reviewed using double blind peer review process that meets diisr re quirements two reviewers were appointed on basis their independence they full devoid authors names institutions order ensure objectivity anonymity according specied criteria including relevance theme sub themes originality quality presentation following accepta...