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picture1_Nutritional Disorders Pdf 116887 | Phase3 180609 New

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File: Nutritional Disorders Pdf 116887 | Phase3 180609 New
introduction of communication skills professionalism ethics in medical nd rd education modules topic in 2 3 mbbs syllabus maharastra university of health sciences nashik iii m b b s medicine ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Introduction of communication skills professionalism ethics in medical nd rd education modules topic mbbs syllabus maharastra university health sciences nashik iii m b s medicine i goal the broad teaching undergraduate students is to have knowledge and behavioral attributes function effectively as first contact physician ii objectives a at end course student shall be able diagnose common clinical disorders with special reference infectious diseases nutritional tropical environmental outline various modes management including drug therapeutics especially dosage side effects toxicity interactions indications contra propose diagnostic investigative procedures ability interpret them provide level acute emergencies promptly efficiently decide timing referral if required recognize geriatric their develop history taking examination other instruments refer patient secondary or tertiary care after having instituted primary perform simple routine investigations like hemogram stool urine sputum b...

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