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picture1_Nutritional Disorders Pdf 131586 | Mel456(soil Science) Lecture N10

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File: Nutritional Disorders Pdf 131586 | Mel456(soil Science) Lecture N10
diagnosis of nutritional disorders p jeyakumar and t n balamohan department of fruit crops horticultural college and research institute tamil nadu agricultural university coimbatore 641 003 nutritional disorders are basically ...

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...Diagnosis of nutritional disorders p jeyakumar and t n balamohan department fruit crops horticultural college research institute tamil nadu agricultural university coimbatore are basically physiological in the plants that affect productivity as well quality fruits disturbance plant metabolic activities resulting from an excess or deficit environmental variables like temperature light aeration imbalances result deficiency micronutrients causes many more than macronutrients have become widespread with diminishing use organic manures adoption high density planting root stocks for dwarfing disease salt tolerance unbalanced npk fertiliser application extension horticulture to marginal lands get yields micronutrient deficiencies be detected before visual symptoms expressed zn mn b common sweet orange acid lime banana guava papaya india correct both hidden appropriate foliar soil applications necessary description includes a number technical terms it is essential understand better identificat...

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