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...Daftar pustaka abbasi s h et al ethnic differences in the risk factors and severity of coronary artery disease a patient based study iran journal racial health disparities pp doi abdelrazik m el sawy e d fahmy correlation between dyslipidiemia using syntax scoring system egyptian hospital medicine american heart association aha stroke statistics update badan penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan riset dasar riskesdas laporan nasional desember barrett k ganong review medical physiology beltrame j f dreyer r tavella epidemiology current concepts pathophysiology diagnostics treatment bhatia biomaterials for clinical applications cakar relation grace score atherosclerosis acute syndrome cardiology jjcc centers control prevention cad available at https www cdc gov heartdisease ad htm conkbayir c ayca b okcun lipid variables related to extent non diabetic turkish cypriots iranian public darliana kateterisasi jantung patients undergoing cardiac catheterization procedures iii dashty quick look...