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ENA Annual Slow Down Campaign Playbook ITEM/ISSUE 2011 2012 2013 Event Details *Spring Slow Down Campaign = *Spring Slow Down Campaign = Sunday, May 8 – Tuesday, May 31 Monday, May 7 – Friday, May 18 *Coordinated by Mike Digman *Volunteer Sign Posting *Back-To-School Slow Down Campaign = Sunday, May 6 @ 6 p.m. Thursday, September 1 (first day of school) – *Coordinated by Gail Good Saturday, September 10 *Back-To-School Slow Down Campaign = *Volunteer Sign Posting Tuesday, September 4 (first day of school) – Wednesday, August 31 @ 6 p.m. Friday, September 14 *Coordinated by Tiffani Roltgen *Volunteer Sign Posting Monday, September 3 @ 6 p.m. *Coordinated by Gail Good Advertising *Submit ECHO article two months prior *Advertise two months prior in ECHO *Post on website event calendar *Post flyer on website *Post on Facebook page *Send event invite via Facebook *Send blast e-mail one week prior *Blast e-mail one week after with instructions for those who wish to keep their signs Materials Needed *Slow Down Campaign signs (storage shed and East Precinct Police Station) *Safety vests (storage shed—PARADE BIN) Pre-event *Contact East Precinct Police Station at 608-266-4887 *Contact President Tonya Hamilton TonyaLHN@aol.com to team up with East Buckeye Neighborhood Association *View campaign dates, resources, tips, and statistics at Safe Communities website: http://www.safercommunity.net/ trafficsafety/slowdown.html *Read/utilize “Related Documents” in right hand column on Safe Communities website: suggestions for running an effective campaign, ideas for organizing an effective campaign, sample news release/newsletter article for campaign, and sample flyer for neighbors *Complete and return “Slow Down Campaign planning report” to Safe Communities at info@safercommunity.net *Survey neighbors to generate a list of streets to target *Notify police at least two weeks prior to reserve speed board *Visit https://www.cityofmadison.com/traffic Engineering/programsSpeed.cfm for Neighborhood Speedwatch Program information *Visit https://www.cityofmadison.com/traffic Engineering/programsTraffic.cfm for Traffic Management Program information Set-up *Print neighborhood maps *Highlight streets to target *Divide signs into piles for each street Safety *Offer safety vests to volunteers posting signs Volunteers *Gail Good (contacted East Precinct Police Station, picked up signs, and posted signs on Vondron and Painted Post) *Justin Martin family (posted signs on Ellen) *Lucy and Ron Gibson (posted signs on Starker) *Matt Poster family (posted signs on Academy) *Kelly Salas Witkins (posted signs on Droster) *Rene Foy (posted signs on Woodvale north) *Tonya Hamilton (posted signs on East Buckeye and South Thompson) *Tiff Roltgen (posted signs on Woodvale south, coordinated and recruited volunteers, advertised the event, and organized the street assignments) Clean-up *Ask volunteers to remove signs at end of campaign *Return signs to storage shed Follow-up *Post pictures on website and Facebook *Recap article in following month’s ECHO *Discuss at following month’s board meeting and update playbook Complaints *Not enough signs to fully blanket streets *Need at least 200 signs for 2012 Improvements *Establish collaborative effort with East Buckeye Neighborhood Association to increase volunteer numbers and impact *Implement additional strategies highlighted on Safe Communities website such as a newspaper articles, pace cars, and/or speed boards *Use injury and death statistics to educate neighbors about the importance of slowing down Leftovers *Approximately 60 signs in storage shed *Approximately 40 signs kept by Gail Good Total Cost NONE