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picture1_Ms Word Advertisement Template 10429 | Advertisement Template 09092019 | Flyer Template Word

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File: Ms Word Advertisement Template 10429 | Advertisement Template 09092019 | Flyer Template Word
cphs research study advertisement guidance and template advertisement guidelines the following are examples of advertisements flyer newspaper advertisement radio announcement television announcement bulletin board tear off internet postings including emails ...

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 01 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cphs research study advertisement guidance and template guidelines the following are examples of advertisements flyer newspaper radio announcement television bulletin board tear off internet postings including emails listserv messages online advertising chatroom poster should include name address investigator or institution a description type purpose in summary form criteria that will be used to determine eligibility for brief list participation benefits if any e g no cost health examination time other commitment required participants location person office contact further information do s not make plain solicitation is use term when describing investigational test article treatment referenced consider need confidentiality design materials sign up sheet exposing subjects names public view may appropriate terms such as new medication drug without explaining phrase receive treatments implies all receiving newly marketed products proven worth promise free medical intent only say charged t...

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