File: Medicine Pdf 115554 | S Em 06 2 117 12 200 Kundu S Ab
issn 0973 5070 studies on ethno medicine kamla raj 2012 ethno med 6 2 117 120 2012 indigenous health care practices among rajbanshi of dakshin dinajpur west bengal suvendu kundu ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Issn studies on ethno medicine kamla raj med indigenous health care practices among rajbanshi of dakshin dinajpur west bengal suvendu kundu and anita bag kolaghat block development office purba medinipur india deshapran mobile e mail keywords illness disease man hygiene abstract people living in rural areas often face obstacles accessing basic services due to remoteness backwardness the which they live understanding needs these difficult circumstances with special focus utilization medical substances is significant for devising comprehensive programs present paper highlights record preventive as well curative measures are still being practiced by s such matter largely depend upon biotic surroundings spite availability modern facilities testify their intimate knowledge close relationship natural environment what...