symposia biomaterials biomaterials 01 pic prof kundu kundu i3bs uminho pt title biomaterials for 3d tissue engineered cancer disease models subhas c kundu rui l reis university of minho portugal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Symposia biomaterials pic prof kundu ibs uminho pt title for d tissue engineered cancer disease models subhas c rui l reis university of minho portugal talk trends in modeling drug screening caroline curtin lara costard fergal j o brien rcsi anatomy and regenerative medicine royal college surgeons ireland scaffold based delivery nucleic acid therapeutics the treatment breast eliza fong national singapore engineering patient derived tumor personalized lin wang zheng huazhong science technology wuhan china nano strategies reversing resistance umber cheema faculty medical sciences ucl london development biomimetic stroma tumouroids silk protein sericin theranostics applications shimizu tatsuya twmu ac jp scaling up maturation nerve connection skeletal muscle catherine ngan st vincent s hospital melbourne neuro mascular junction formation shoji takeuchi tokyo fabrication block hironobu takahashi women matured tissues by electrical stimulation akon higuchi ncu edu tw stem cell culture diffe...