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picture1_Educational Management Pdf 113926 | E Pg Edn 01 E Text

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File: Educational Management Pdf 113926 | E Pg Edn 01 E Text
1 details of module and its structure module detail subject name education paper name educational administration management leadership in school education module name concept and approaches to education administration title ...

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...Details of module and its structure detail subject name education paper educational administration management leadership in school concept approaches to title governance id e pg edn pre requisites basic understanding objectives after studying this the student will be able explain meaning discuss common features functions different keywords development team role affiliation principal prof p k sahoo department investigator university allahabad u co rajaram s central institute sharma technology ncert new delhi dhananjay yadav coordinators vidya agarwal dr j dhillon khalsa college amritsar ms rajwinder kaur content assistant professor writer author ranjit avenue reviewer surinder cr language editor aerum khan table contents introduction learning outcomes principles factors involved summary is a process that includes combined operation through which country maintained good working conditions it utilizing appropriate material such way as promote effectively human qualities all those techniqu...

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