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picture1_Learning Pdf 113840 | S4h18 Discipline

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File: Learning Pdf 113840 | S4h18 Discipline
discipline effective school practices by george bear phd ncsp university of delaware newark traditionally with respect to school discipline american educators have had two distinct aims a to help create ...

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...Discipline effective school practices by george bear phd ncsp university of delaware newark traditionally with respect to american educators have had two distinct aims a help create and maintain safe orderly positive learning environment which often requires the use correct misbehavior b teach or develop self both are equally important should always be included in development evaluation whereas first is generally viewed as an immediate aim stop bring about compliance second long term autonomy responsible citizenship aimsarereciprocally related that each promotes other also serve preventive function correcting developing schools prevent future occurrence behavior problems challenges too fail understand maintaining safety including correction prerequisite for but it not sufficient institutions establishing order necessarily preventing this most evident when adult supervision systematic rewards clear rules expectations consequences primary techniques used manage those external later remov...

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