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picture1_Self Esteem Pdf 156749 | Ccguidelinefopositivdiscipline

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File: Self Esteem Pdf 156749 | Ccguidelinefopositivdiscipline
guidelines for positive discipline positive discipline is a process of teaching children how to behave appropriately positive discipline respects the rights of the individual child the group and the adult ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Guidelines for positive discipline is a process of teaching children how to behave appropriately respects the rights individual child group and adult methods shall be consistent with age developmental needs lead ability develop maintain self control different from punishment tells what they should not do teaches fear esteem you can use by planning ahead anticipate eliminate potential problems have few clear rules that are explained understood adults well planned daily schedule plan ample elements fun humor include some decision making provide time space each alone make it possible feel he she has had impact on structure support need resolve their differences share ownership responsibility talk about our room toys intervening when necessary re direct new activity change focus s behavior individualized attention help deal particular situation out removing minutes area or so may gain one minute year good rule thumb divert remove conflict alternative activities acceptable ways release feel...

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