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picture1_Education Pdf 112439 | Mudaliar Commission

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File: Education Pdf 112439 | Mudaliar Commission
by mrs rinki kumari deptt of education mmha pu patna mudaliar commission st 1 semester paper code 104 introduction in 1951 central advisory board of education advised the central government ...

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...By mrs rinki kumari deptt of education mmha pu patna mudaliar commission st semester paper code introduction in central advisory board advised the government to appoint secondary appointed on rd sept under chairmanship dr lakshamanswami then vice chancellor madras university name its chairman this is termed as objectives study condition contemporary and suggest measures for reorganization aims curriculum teaching standard every province india pay scales service conditions school teachers schools examination system level problems their remedies report adopted methods existing basis information acquired through these two prepared presented govt aug pages divided into chapters consist shortcomings detailed feature defects main aim prepare students get admission but it does not develop qualities such cooperation discipline leadership among impractical are full rigid time table unsuitable text books no proper arrangements co curricular activities criteria appointment...

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