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...Education for all penyelenggaraan sekolah inklusi di indonesia abd kadir abstract the diversity of indonesian citizens is an inevitable fact however every has their own right to pursue normally students can access through regular school while disable gain extraordinary luar biasa yet not student successfully learn in this which urge government establish kind special nearest then called as inclusive various kinds learning model were held and made be appropriate both normal needs some cases advised separately effort give chance become source each other but order ease establishment such parents participation also urged apparent activities key word a latar belakang salah satu tujuan negara dan bangsa sebagaimana tercantum dalam undang dasar republik tahun adalah mencerdaskan kehidupan implementasi ini diwujudkan bentuk pendidikan oleh pemerintah masyarakat konsekwensi dari tersebut hak warganegara untuk mendapatkan bahkan menjadi kewajiban semua warga sembilan wajib belajar harus tetap dii...