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picture1_Education Pdf 111900 | 2021iscreducedsyllabusxi Physical Education

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File: Education Pdf 111900 | 2021iscreducedsyllabusxi Physical Education
physical education 875 class xi there will be two papers in the subject iii meaning and concept of games and sports paper i theory 3 hours 70 marks meaning definition ...

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...Physical education class xi there will be two papers in the subject iii meaning and concept of games sports paper i theory hours marks definition characteristics ii practical work individual aspects group dynamics divided into sections a interest attitude b candidates required to answer five term questions out seven from section each inborn acquired methods carrying based on developing major syllabus activities programmes select this any three subparts c experience derived emotional d e selected challenge profession their choice question shall carry forming by means note details regarding evaluation suggestions blindly accepting are given at end xii social norms some intense for is done internal experiences through examiner participating win towards exercise fitness fair play obedience discipline etc its aim motivation objectives introduction understanding aims types intrinsic extrinsic importance praise or blame competition reward punishment need how it setting clear goals success fai...

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