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picture1_Teaching Methodology Pdf 111890 | Paper21

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File: Teaching Methodology Pdf 111890 | Paper21
online teaching methodology for adaptation to the new covid 19 pandemic situation in the master s degree in teacher training at the francisco de vitoria university antonio j criado martina ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Online teaching methodology for adaptation to the new covid pandemic situation in master s degree teacher training at francisco de vitoria university antonio j criado martina alejandro martinc eva maria lanagran valerod carmen d b alvarez dominguez nestares and perez largacha a universidad internacional la rioja grupo inciso avenida paz logrono spain ctra pozuelo majadahonda km alarcon madrid c nacional educacion distancia senda del rey abstract this paper develops method that is carried out subjects of curricular development didactics geography history within compulsory secondary education upper vocational language which taught it an institution whose form mainly face due was forced by confinement transform full end academic year second wave model has had be lengthened refined since there are still restrictions on population mobility state alarm present combines blended with distance learning explains how work specialty through lives aviles asturias students from places student center...

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