File: Education Pdf 111157 | 431083 Efficacy Of Rational Emotive Education E 56c5f8e4
how to cite kaur r bhansali h nehabala y roy a 2022 efficacy of rational emotive education enhancing self esteem by dealing with irrational beliefs international journal of health sciences ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...How to cite kaur r bhansali h nehabala y roy a efficacy of rational emotive education enhancing self esteem by dealing with irrational beliefs international journal health sciences s https doi org ijhs vns dr ravneet assistant professor psychology university institute liberal arts humanities uilah chandigarh mohali punjab india heenakshi yagyima ms aratrika abstract introduction are unrealistic reasoning processes which external events interpreted and through emotional distress is mediated known as the evaluative dimension that includes feelings worthiness pride encouragement ree preventive intervention mental program children adolescents can learn positive concept present research has focused on decreasing improving help also finding relation method shortened general attitude belief scale sgabs lindner kirkby wertheim birch inventory sei coopersmith were used for administration purpose initially participants taken screen out who high low futher was applied them results repeated measur...