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picture1_Rebt Techniques Pdf 109649 | 294832 Implementasi Pendekatan Rational Emotive 685770ae

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File: Rebt Techniques Pdf 109649 | 294832 Implementasi Pendekatan Rational Emotive 685770ae
implementasi pendekatan rational emotive behavior therapy rebt dalam membantu mengatasi kebiasaan terlambat siswa sma negeri 6 model lubuklinggau desy seplyana dosen tarbiyah iai al azhaar lubuklinggau dzyctobelly gmail com abstrak ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Implementasi pendekatan rational emotive behavior therapy rebt dalam membantu mengatasi kebiasaan terlambat siswa sma negeri model lubuklinggau desy seplyana dosen tarbiyah iai al azhaar dzyctobelly gmail com abstrak article history the purpose of this study are received describe application revised in accepted helping to overcome late student keywords habits help school models through approach type research is counseling guidance action subjects were grade x and xi students with data analysis uses qualitative techniques result principal expected make policies support process implementing an appropriate program teachers carry out task solving problem pendahuluan pada dasarnya pendidikan adalah proses sosialisasi menuju kedewasaan intelektual sosial dan moral dengan kemampuan martabatnya sebagai manusia atas dasar itu hakikat interaksi membina mengembangkan potensi yang berlangsung sepanjang hayat sesuai tingkat perkembangan individu ada keseimbangan antara kebebasan subjek didik kewiba...

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