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picture1_Education Pdf 110353 | Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Handbook

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File: Education Pdf 110353 | Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Handbook
gestalt centre homa gestalt psychotherapy training handbook gestalt centre homa gch has developed its curriculum for gestalt psychotherapy education based on the european association for gestalt therapy eagt guidelines being ...

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...Gestalt centre homa psychotherapy training handbook gch has developed its curriculum for education based on the european association therapy eagt guidelines being enriched by experience of founders trainers and feedback from former trainees concordance with standards enables after graduation to obtain certificate psychotherapist ecp eap admission program eligibility is defined as a at post graduate level required prior master degree or equivalent in field helping professions humanistic social sciences such psychology work special medicine pedagogy specific cases other related formal requirements application university above mentioned completed direct professional people least years age participation experiential workshop organised licensed gt elective educational group formed during it essence provides opportunity main leaders participants get acquainted each final decision brought up upon individual reflections feedbacks assessment criteria reflection are capacity awareness self other...

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