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File: Relational Attitude In Gestalt Terapy
international gestalt journal 2002 25 1 15 34 gary yontef the relational attitude in gestalt therapy theory and practice abstract gestalt therapy theory is relational in its core al though ...

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...International gestalt journal gary yontef the relational attitude in therapy theory and practice abstract is its core al though some talk of not consis tent with principles this paper reviews philosophical existential phe nomenology field dialogic existentialism im plications for are explored practices attitudes about that inconsistent these discussed article studies triggering treatment shame training clarifies what it keywords bracketing dialogue individualism interdependence metatheory phenomenology ge stalt subtext therapeutic relationship introduction systematically underlying methodology a perspective so central to without there no coher ent or recently much has been written approach psychotherapy both general literature professional discovery aron mitchell stolorow et rela tional revisiting per spective built hycner jacobs staemmler yon tef function current discourse on ther apy differentiate among significant variations how talked even more varia tions practiced common ways tal...

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