File: Psychotherapy Treatment Plan Template Pdf 110232 | Plan Anger
treatment plan for anger the adolescent psychotherapy treatment planner 2000 arthur e jongsma jr et al wiley pub diagnostic suggesions axis i 312 34 intermittent explosive disorder behavioral definitions 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Treatment plan for anger the adolescent psychotherapy planner arthur e jongsma jr et al wiley pub diagnostic suggesions axis i intermittent explosive disorder behavioral definitions history of aggressive outbursts out proportion to any precipitating stressors leading assaultive acts or destruction property overreaction hostility insignificant irritants swift and harsh judgment statements made about others body language tense muscles g clenched fist jaw glaring looks use passive patterns social withdrawal due lack complete timely compliance in following directions rules complaining authority figures behind their back non participation meeting expected norms consistent pattern challenging disrespectful verbally abusive long term goals decrease overall intensity frequency angry feelings increase ability recognize appropriately express as they occur develop awareness behaviors clarifying origins alternatives aggression acceptance while developing better control more serenity short expressi...