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picture1_Dbt Opposite Action Pdf 109866 | Dbt Sud Diary Card 2021

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File: Dbt Opposite Action Pdf 109866 | Dbt Sud Diary Card 2021
minnesota center for psychology dbt sud diary card name start date did you lie on this card y or n quit date rx ang anx sad guilt shame joy pain ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Minnesota center for psychology dbt sud diary card name start date did you lie on this y or n quit rx ang anx sad guilt shame joy pain si sib tib alc drug hs tx mon tues wed thur fri sat sun skills used m o t u e w d th wise mind clear not observe just notice thought about describe put words participate enter into the experience nonjudgmentally factually no good bad one mindfully thing in moment effectively doing what works to meet goal didn want dear man objective effectiveness give relationship fast self respect check facts wanted opposite action problems solving tried but accumulating positives short term couldn use them building life worth living long build mastery cope ahead could do please taking care of physical body they help stop pros and cons tip your chemistry helped distract with accepts soothe five senses try improve radical acceptance turning willingness half smile willing hands urge surfing community reinforcement burning bridges alternate rebellion adaptive denial...

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