testing and certification regulation tuv sud group scope this testing and certification regulation tcr applies to the tuv sud group see www tuvsud com tcr e g the following legal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Testing and certification regulation tuv sud group scope this tcr applies to the see www tuvsud com e g following legal entities america inc auto service gmbh babt unlimited china co ltd czech s r o energietechnik baden wurttemberg hong kong indonesia pt industrie korea malaysia sdn bhd management nederland b v product psb pte rail sfdk laboratorio de analise produtos eireli south asia pvt hereinafter solely jointly referred as tsc company pzo abbc page of status or products processes services projects collectively auditing systems system in far clients have concluded multiple contracts for obtaining a certificate sepa rate contract partner with latter being which relevant bodies is are affiliat ed provisions will apply contractual relationship between body tscs client shall replace previous versions they become effective on may st remain valid until new version issued case doubt german be authoritative work related certifi cation according iso iec ff located germany all other english ...