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picture1_Depression Information Sheet   11  Unhelpful Thinking Styles

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File: Depression Information Sheet 11 Unhelpful Thinking Styles
unhelpful thinking styles when a person experiences an unhelpful emotion eg depression or anxiety it is usually preceded by a number of unhelpful self statements and thoughts often there is ...

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...Unhelpful thinking styles when a person experiences an emotion eg depression or anxiety it is usually preceded by number of self statements and thoughts often there pattern to such we call these one the things have noticed that people use as automatic habit something happens out our awareness however consistently constantly uses some they can cause themselves great deal emotional distress this information sheet describes you read through them might notice patterns sound similar another are not meant be distinct categories but help see if kind your ental filter m involves filtering in shoulding musting process sort tunnel vision sometimes saying i should must focusing on only part situation put unreasonable demands pressure ignoring rest means looking at yourself others although negative parts forgetting always positive whole picture coloured get drunk drive home what may single detail create unrealistic expectations jumping conclusions overgeneralisation jump assume overgeneralise take...

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