do not reproduce in any form without author s permission the interactive field gestalt therapy as an embodied relational dialogue michael craig clemmens phd in gestalt therapy advances in theory ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Do not reproduce in any form without author s permission the interactive field gestalt therapy as an embodied relational dialogue michael craig clemmens phd advances theory and practice ed levine talia bar yoseph routledge london abstract through attention based on our mutual awareness we can explore patterns of clients create alternative experiences supports for change growth this approach is presented contrast to cultural desensitization objectification bodily experience focuses body dialogic aspects created by therapist client way requires a discipline notice own presence specific set skills attending are described illustrated with case examples these embodiment attunement resonance articulation also within context shame therapeutic relationship world live moves at accelerated pace sometimes fast wireless connection mobile phones seem carry us thinking or processing faster than sense has become life information video representations combat sex house designing musical creation etc ru...