File: Exposure Response Prevention Pdf 108222 | Repub 122522 O A
melchior et al trials 2019 20 277 https doi org 10 1186 s13063 019 3381 9 study protocol open access metacognitive therapy versus exposure and response prevention for obsessive compulsive ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Melchior et al trials https doi org s study protocol open access metacognitive therapy versus exposure and response prevention for obsessive compulsive disorder a randomized controlled trial kim ingmar franken mathijs deen colin van der heiden abstract background the recommended psychological treatment of choice ocd is with erp however recovery rates are relatively modest so better treatments needed this superiority aims to explore relative efficacy mct new form cognitive based on model design method in we will compare one hundred patients diagnosed be recruited an outpatient mental health center rotterdam netherlands primary outcome measure severity measured by yale brown scale y bocs data assessed at baseline after months follow up discussion comparing hope provide indication whether efficacious if it has potential more than current gold standard registration dutch register ntr registered october keywords modalities reducing symptoms phenomenology first severe specific condition whic...