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picture1_Family Systems Theory Pdf 108177 | 2056 1543229247

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File: Family Systems Theory Pdf 108177 | 2056 1543229247
studia universitatis moldaviae 2018 nr 9 119 seria tiin e ale educa iei issn 1857 2103 issn online 2345 1025 p 94 98 czu 343 54 159 9 structural strategic ...

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...Studia universitatis moldaviae nr seria tiin e ale educa iei issn online p czu structural strategic approaches to couple and family therapy struguling with abuse domestic violence sergiu toma victoria captari natalia institutul pentru familie i iniiative sociale universitatea de stat din moldova the issue key concepts strategies that can be successfully used when providing as part of systemic interventions using basic are treated in article two models developed by salvador minuchin jay haley presented together because their common emphasis on systems structure both aim realign organization produce change entire system focused hierarchical perspective this is present cloe madanes approach preconditions possible directions families experience keywords psychotherapy coalitions maladaptive transactions accommodation interpretation boundaries differentiation abordri psihoterapiei cuplu situaie violen perspectiv structuralist articol este abordat problema conceptele cheie strategiile care po...

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