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File: Anxiety Management Techniques Pdf 108176 | 1115 1486538930
international journal of humanities social science studies ijhsss a peer reviewed bi monthly bi lingual research journal issn 2349 6959 online issn 2349 6711 print volume iii issue iv january ...

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...International journal of humanities social science studies ijhsss a peer reviewed bi monthly lingual research issn online print volume iii issue iv january page no published by scholar publications karimganj assam india website http www com management anxiety psychological techniques sadia khan department psychology aligarh muslim university u p abstract negative states like and depression have been the major focus over last hundreds years people experience these as part their response to threatening life events sometimes help cope with situations humans are hard wired in ways they adaptive subsequent traumatic is one most common mental health concerns our society often experienced complex set emotional functional challenges daily exposed stressful stressors may lead an illnesses disorders clinically significant other current paper will briefly describe nature symptoms strategies manage professionals know basic interventions thereby improve well being keywords introduction according ni...

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