militarymedicine 182 7 8 e1747 2017 self management strategies for stress and anxiety used by nontreatment seeking veteran primary care patients robyn l shepardson phd jennie tapio ma jennifer s ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Militarymedicine e self management strategies for stress and anxiety used by nontreatment seeking veteran primary care patients robyn l shepardson phd jennie tapio ma jennifer s funderburk abstract introduction one of the most common reasons individuals do not seek mental health treatment is a preference to manage emotional concerns on their own refers that use i without professional guidance symptoms little research has examined despite its potential utility as rst step in stepped approach objectives this downloaded from https academic oup com milmed article guest september study were describe identify which types perceived be effec tive explore correlates materials methods was an exploratory descriptive n veterans administration m years age sd who reported current generalized disorder institutional review board approved all participants provided informed consent we assessed depres sion past year via telephone two independent raters coded into categories kappa subcategories results ne...