militarymedicine 181 8 747 2016 dialectical behavior therapy training and desired resources for implementation results from a national program evaluation in the veterans health administration sara j landes phd monica ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Militarymedicine dialectical behavior therapy training and desired resources for implementation results from a national program evaluation in the veterans health administration sara j landes phd monica m matthieu lcsw brandy n smith ba lindsay r trent allison l rodriguez janet kemp rn caitlin thompson abstract context little is known about nonresearch experiences of providers who implement evidence downloaded https academic oup com milmed article by guest on september based psychotherapies suicidal behaviors among acquisition this identied history needs clinicians work with at risk care system sequential mixed methods used post only survey design to obtain assessment data clinical sites within vha facili ties that implemented dbt were also collected preferred support ongoing use while facilities reported staff attended mal intensive workshop nearly participating having completed self study using manuals mobile apps therapists clients templates documentation electronic records measureme...