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picture1_Education Pdf 107474 | Mu Final Paper Dnp712

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File: Education Pdf 107474 | Mu Final Paper Dnp712
running head improving therapeutic communication 1 improving therapeutic communication in a psychiatric mental health clinic marshall umoren arizona state university improving therapeutic communication 2 improving therapeutic communication abstract title improving ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Running head improving therapeutic communication in a psychiatric mental health clinic marshall umoren arizona state university abstract title outpatient authors rn bsn and nurse practitioner dnp student ann guthery phd pmhnp bc purpose the of this project is to demonstrate benefits with an outcome increase patient satisfaction their care improve caregiver relationship background consequences poor or non cannot be overemphasized these can include adherence treatment plan reduced compliance higher psychological morbidity dissatisfaction patients perception how they are being treated affects respond plans medication regimens method consisted providing education on principles healthcare workers follow up materials were provided weekly basis for one month pre survey questionnaire was given before intervention post after determine degree short assessment saps tool team cat t instruments utilized finding staff statistically significantly improved conclusion effective s members keywords stron...

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