handout 1 the emdr recent traumatic episode protocol emdr r tep for early emdr intervention eei overview protocol instructions elan shapiro brurit laub revised sept 2014 elanshapiro gmail com bruritlaub7 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Handout the emdr recent traumatic episode protocol r tep for early intervention eei overview instructions elan shapiro brurit laub revised sept elanshapiro gmail com bruritlaub is a comprehensive current trauma focused that incorporates and extends existing emd event protocols together with additional measures containment safety usually requires sessions which can optionally be conducted on successive days glossary of key terms t original incident its aftermath viewed as an going continuum while experiences are not yet adaptively processed comprises multiple targets disturbance these target fragments referred to points pods from until today narrative continuous bls bi lateral stimulation telling story out loud helps ground contain affect this initial processing begins integrate gaps fragmented in phases i ii recounting details discouraged avoid premature activation option using distancing metaphor e g v screen gives if needed google search or scan mechanism identify various pod by non ...