File: Music Therapy Pdf 106407 | 1996 37 2 073 076
dept for speech music and hearing quarterly progress and status report coarticulation in apical consonants acoustic and articulatory analyses of hindi swedish and tamil krull d and lindblom b journal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Dept for speech music and hearing quarterly progress status report coarticulation in apical consonants acoustic articulatory analyses of hindi swedish tamil krull d lindblom b journal tmh qpsr volume number year pages http www kth se diana bjorn department linguistics stockholm university s abstract the place articulation retrojlexes is more poste rior at beginning closure than release retrojiex contact also vowel dependent whereas that dentals constant f locus parameters fail to support idea degree consonant varies with or language main dzflerence between dental retrojlex provided by a lesser contrast larger vc cv boundary from all them issues records were obtained speakers asked phonologically use produce isolated words either retroflex stops contrastively rv ca structure v i el u they are combinatorial variants arising utterances prosodically similar sequances an r followed gul hatt had symmetrical given fact we looked where test effects time course read five six times production fo...