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picture1_Evolution Of Language Pdf 105353 | Evol Brain Lang Lang Learning

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File: Evolution Of Language Pdf 105353 | Evol Brain Lang Lang Learning
languagelearning issn0023 8333 evolution of brain and language p thomas schoenemann indiana university theevolutionoflanguageandtheevolutionofthebrainaretightlyinterlinked language evolution represents a special kind of adaptation in part because language is a complex behavior ...

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...Languagelearning issn evolution of brain and language p thomas schoenemann indiana university theevolutionoflanguageandtheevolutionofthebrainaretightlyinterlinked represents a special kind adaptation in part because is complex behavior asopposedtoaphysicalfeature butalsobecausechangesareadaptiveonlyto the extent that they increase either one s understanding others or to evolutionary changes human are thought be relevant reviewed which these cause consequence good question but it argued process may best viewed as adaptive system cultural learning interacts with biology iteratively over time produce afullaccountingoftheevolutionoflanguagerequiresanunderstandingofthe made possible although our closest relatives apes have ability learn at least some critical aspects parker gibson never completely effortlessly do children this means there must important differences between brains nonhuman fair amount known about ways differ from other we know several parts review were adapted my contributio...

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