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picture1_Science Ppt 69206 | 2a Budapest Presentation

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File: Science Ppt 69206 | 2a Budapest Presentation
main institutional actors in kbbe 1 under ministry of economy and employment vtt technical research centre of finland biotechnology pharmaceutical and food industries forest industries process industries and environment finnish ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Main institutional actors in kbbe under ministry of economy and employment vtt technical research centre finland biotechnology pharmaceutical food industries forest process environment finnish for nanocellulosic technology agriculture forestry mtt agrifood metla institute rktl game fisheries fgi geodetic safety authority evira mavi the agency rural affairs universities e g helsinki aalto turku tampere east oulu jyvaskyla lappeenranta strategic centres science innovation multi shareholder limited companies forestcluster http www fi d fc home cleen energy salwe health well being org en s organization numbers operates our employs professionals whom work we operate locations around total expenditure amounted to m a third which came outside budget financing researchers published record number peer refereed scientific articles addition doctoral dissertations were efficiency impact through programmes future tomorrow farm from fossils renewable responsible changing climate water friendly susta...

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